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. . . life . . .

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

This is kind of random...

I normally listen to SportsTalk 980 (WTEM 980 AM) in the mornings during my commute to work. Yesterday was the start of the NBA season, and tonight is the first game for the the Washington Wizards -- lots of talk about this off-season and prognositcation about the contenders and losers.

I dunno why, but I am excited about following the 'Zards. I know very little about who all is on the team and what they are "expected" to do, but I can't seem to shake the growing interest. Maybe it's because they were fairly competative last season and have seemingly upgraded their team to be just that much better this year (team/chemistry-wise) than last.

We'll see if I maintain any enthusiasm about the NBA -- I never really got into it. In any event, I can certainly cheer for the hometown team! Go 'Zards!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

can't get to you (Susan)

There are, what seems to be, a gazillion high school/college alumni network sites.  It's a brilliant idea to have a source for alumni to set things up to be able to keep touch and follow-up on one another after so many years have gone by.  The trouble is, there are too many and they all require $$$ in order for you to be able to access the contact info, or get in touch through whatever their contact vehicle is.  Bummer.
Susan (Carter) Buckley (and anyone else who would like to touch base)... if you happen to come back to this site and read this, please email me, or IM at transitionpete.  I guess I'm a miser and don't feel like paying the $20 to be a 1 year member to an online alumni site.
Reconnecting with old friends and acquaintances is fun!  I love the idea that we all have gone off and done different things and experienced life in a myriad of fascinating ways!  The thing I've realized over time is that CONNECTION is important -- it's important to be connected to others and be able to share in life's experiences.